Understanding our carbon footprint: Our partnership with myclimate

August 5, 2024

Key terms

UN Sustainable Development Goal 13 is about taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. More specifically:

  • Target 13.1 is about strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters.

  • Target 13.2 is about integrating climate change measures into policies and planning.

  • Target 13.3 is about building knowledge and capacity to meet climate change.

  • Target 13.4 is about implementing the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Science Based Targets Initiative provides companies with a clear path to reduce carbon emissions.

Bringing sustainable practices to the heart of our business starts with understanding the full scope of our carbon footprint. To do this, we joined forces with a global leader in carbon accounting and voluntary climate protection projects: myclimate.

To make sustainable changes in our business, we must first understand the challenge before us. We must also have an accurate way to measure progress going forward.

With this in mind, our partnership with myclimate is focused on calculating our company’s total carbon emissions so we can set forth a rigorous and credible path towards tangible reductions across our business. This also works toward achieving goal #13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which compels businesses to take urgent action to assess and reduce their emissions.

Robust reporting and accounting protocols

Myclimate’s method for calculating emissions is based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, the global standard in carbon emissions accounting. They also follow the Science Based Targets Initiative which provides a transparent and consistent framework for the measurement of carbon emissions.

In the first phase of our myclimate partnership, we completed a pilot program that calculated the carbon emissions of our schools, offices, and all air travel by both customers and staff, based on a sample of representative EF schools and offices. In the second phase, the carbon accounting will scale up to cover our entire global business.

“To account for all the carbon emissions is a highly technical and incredibly important process,” says Cornelia Rutishauser, Team Leader for Corporate Partnerships at myclimate. “It’s so important because it will allow EF to find their carbon hotspots and together come up with an effective and impactful reduction strategy.”

While coming to a comprehensive calculation for our global business will take some time, we are committed to doing this because it will allow us to implement more effective and meaningful reduction strategies. We also believe that doing the hard work now will make our long-term goals of transforming our business more attainable.

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