Turning passion into purpose: Allison's story

August 1, 2024

Student guide to traveling responsibly

EF Educational Tours’ guide to responsible travel, drafted by Allison, helps students prepare for an impactful trip.

EF Responsible Travel Guide

Allison was the quintessential North American high school student. She went to public school in Ohio, got good grades, and kept herself busy with clubs and sports. But something was missing.

At first, it looked as if Allison was all set to follow the traditional route of the North American student: First high school, then college, then a job. Something about that trajectory didn’t feel quite right to Allison, however. When she learned she could take a semester off between high school and college, she jumped at the chance. She chose an EF Gap Year program in Costa Rica that offered hands-on experience in sustainable development through community-driven environmental projects.

Off the beaten track

During the program, Allison participated in a project run by a local NGO to plant mangrove trees along an eroded coastline. Previous clear-cutting had caused major soil erosion, and heavy rains caused the road to wash away, creating dangerous conditions for people who live there. Planting trees proved to be hard physical labor, but the long days and weeks paid off when Allison saw how much could be accomplished by working together with her fellow gap year students.

Inspired by her experience and interest in sustainable development, Allison went on to study leadership at the UN University for Peace in San Jose, Costa Rica. Her time there revealed that she could connect her interest in development with leadership, cementing her decision to go on to study sustainable development in college.

The following year, Allison had an opportunity to join the EF Gap Year team as an Alumni Intern, developing a Responsible Travel Guide for EF Gap Year students. “My journey with EF seems to have come full circle,” she says. “After experiencing responsible travel in Costa Rica first-hand, I had the opportunity to pass that knowledge along to future students.”

“Check your bias at the door, be open to new perspectives and have something to learn everywhere you go and with everyone you meet.”

Allison, former EF Gap Year student

Today, Allison is planning her next global adventure after a recent trip to Belize with EF Ultimate Break.

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